The natural rhythm for weight loss

To lose weight you need sleep.  Sounds simple, but it is actually quite complicated. 

Sleep has a natural rhythm in harmony with the light and dark patterns of each day.

We have an inbuilt circadian clock that is set by sunrise and sunset.  The sunset gives a signal for our body to wind down, start to feel sleepy and gracefully transition into sleep.

This natural rhythm has unfortunately been disrupted by the invention of the light bulb which artificially extends the hours of light long past sunset.

Add to that our use of digital devices – television screens, computers, mobiles, ipads etc – which, when used after dark, suppress the release of melatonin – the hormone that makes us feel sleepy.

There is more.  Getting carried away with video games, feeling the urge to get on top of our emails or binge watching Netflix also has the effect of releasing cortisol to give us a “second wind” so that we can stay awake.  Chronically elevated evening cortisol can bind with the appetite receptors in the brain and trigger you to consume high-calorie foods.  Are you starting to get the idea this is a downward spiral?

Nights filled with this kind of digital stimulation paired with the result of consistently getting insufficient sleep can make you insulin resistant – so you are more likely to store what you eat as fat. (Oh no!)  And you will crave sugar because you are not accessing and burning your internal energy stores in the efficient way your body is designed to operate when everything is optimal. (Even worse!)

The seasons have a rhythm too. During the long bright days of summer we are programmed to eat extra carbs and store them as fat to see us through the winter.  In line with natural light patterns we will sleep much more during the short days and long nights of winter and need less sleep during the long summer days. However, artificially lengthened days have tricked our body into thinking it is summer all the time. So we are perpetually in fat storing mode.

What to do?

  • Turn down the lights – after sunset use candles or lamps in preference to room lights and install blue light blockers on your digital devices. Have blackout curtains in your bedroom.
  • Create an evening ritual to prepare for sleep. Shut off all devices, have a warm bath, change into your pyjamas.
  • Timing is everything. Try to go to bed at the same time each night. Ideally, wake up naturally around sunrise, without the need for an alarm clock.  Getting to bed late and sleeping in does not work, even if you get the same number of hours of sleep. Your cycle is mis-aligned with your natural circadian rhythm and you will not experience enough of the deep restorative sleep your body needs.

So to assist your weight loss efforts, it is important to get into the right sleep rhythm.  I hope this article helps you along on your weight loss journey.