Six great reasons to turn your PUSH goal into a PULL goal

Most of us know about setting SMART goals. They are

  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time based

So when we set a goal to lose weight, the goal is often stated along these lines:

I want to lose 5 kilos by 30 June 2017.

This goal may be SMART, but it is not inspiring!! It is a PUSH goal.

When the going gets tough (and it will) a PUSH goal comes up short. It feels like pushing uphill.

That is why you need a PULL goal – something that will draw you towards the desired outcome (with a force like a magnet).  

Here are 6 great reasons to turn your PUSH goal into a PULL goal

  1. A PUSH goal makes it a hard slog. You feel exhausted by the constant effort. It takes determination, willpower, and grit. And who knows that willpower cannot be sustained over long periods of time? Willpower is a finite resource. It just will not get you the whole way.
  2. When your goal inspires you, you really want it, and are naturally drawn towards taking action to achieve it. It is tantalising, your desire PULLS you towards it. It flows and feels easy. Well, easier than pushing yourself with willpower anyway!
  3. A PULL goal has emotion associated with it – you feel excited and energised by it. Emotion is a powerful force that multiplies the intensity of desire. Remember that most buying decisions are made on the basis of emotion and rationally justified after the fact. Aren’t you trying to sell yourself on achieving your goal? Then it MUST have emotion. Just dealing with the facts won’t have you fully sold on the idea.
  4. There is a powerful, big reason WHY you want to achieve your goals. This is what turns it from a hope, a wish a dream into a firm resolve upon which you will take action. Having a compelling why and reminding yourself of it often will PULL you to achieve it.
  5. You can picture it. There is a clear mental image. Collect pictures from the internet or magazines that represent the dream body you are aiming for, and begin to see yourself as having that body. See yourself moving around easily, the energy you have, the ease with which clothes fit you and the wonderful new clothing styles you can wear (no more sack dresses or over-size t-shirts). This laser-focused vision reinforces your desire and PULLS you towards it.
  6. A PULL goal is more likely to bring you success. When the going gets tough you have the inspiration, vision, emotion, and a powerful reason why you need to keep going, and this will get you over the hump, past the plateau, and smashing any obstacles that come along.

So here is my goal, re-written as a PULL goal:

It is 30 June 2017 and I do my happy dance. I am beyond excited! I have just weighed in at 65 kilos – having lost a little more than my 5 kilo goal. I feel light and free. Movement is easy and I have energy to burn. I feel such a sense of achievement and I feel powerful. It’s like this success opens it up for me to take on other challenges. I am so proud of myself for having stuck with it and not giving up. I know that my husband and my kids are proud of me too. The whole family’s eating habits have improved – we are all much healthier thanks to my weight loss efforts. And we are loving the family activities – bike rides along the river, playing tennis on Saturdays. I can even join the kids on the play equipment at the park! Life is good, and I am SO grateful.

To increase the pulling power, answer the following two questions when you write your goal:

  1. Why do I want it?
  2. Why am I committed to fulfilling it?

I would love for you to share your PULL goals with me. Comment below or Contact me.