Six great reasons to turn your PUSH goal into a PULL goal

Most of us know about setting SMART goals. They are

  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time based

So when we set a goal to lose weight, the goal is often stated along these lines:

I want to lose 5 kilos by 30 June 2017.

This goal may be SMART, but it is not inspiring!! It is a PUSH goal.

When the going gets tough (and it will) a PUSH goal comes up short. It feels like pushing uphill.

That is why you need a PULL goal – something that will draw you towards the desired outcome (with a force like a magnet).   Continue reading Six great reasons to turn your PUSH goal into a PULL goal

SHOULD you lose weight?

sexy_girl_in_greenIf you are unhappy with your body, because you don’t like the way it feels, or you want to do something and your weight is getting in the way, or you have health problems associated with your weight, or you would like to experience more energy and vitality in life, then I am here to support you with that.

If you are perfectly happy with your body and enjoying life, no matter what your size is, then I say “more power to you”.  I am here to support you with that as well.

Continue reading SHOULD you lose weight?

Just 3 easy steps to fast weight loss?

Just-3-stepsHow wonderful! Just 3 easy steps?

Oh, please, merciful God, I have suffered enough – let it be fast and painless, please!

I’m tired of the yo-yo cycle:  lose-gain, lose-gain, lose-gain. Never getting any lasting results and feeling like a failure.

It’s information overload out there.  So much conflicting advice – if only someone could tell me exactly what to do. That would sure take a load off.  Something simple and step by step.

Continue reading Just 3 easy steps to fast weight loss?


Hi there!  Thanks for stopping by.   Perhaps you are:

  • disappointed by your inability to lose weight and keep it off?
  • caught in a cycle of losing weight and putting it back on – over and over?
  • tired of being sold diet plans and exercise programs?
  • wondering why you can’t seem to get mastery in this area of your life?

There are lots of strategies to lose weight. Most people know what to do, but find themselves unable to do it. Do you need to overcome your limiting beliefs, hold yourself to a higher standard and master your mental game?  Would support, guidance and accountability help you?

Read about Wanita’s transformation on the client praise page.  I’d love for you to have a similar breakthrough.

Connect via the CONTACT page and get my free report:
7 SECRETS the weight loss industry doesn’t want you to know. 🙂