Are you conscious or unconscious in your body transformation?

Have you previously successfully followed a diet and exercise plan to achieve your goals, only to find that 12 months later you are right back at your starting point (or worse still) even heavier and/or unhealthier?

Is this a repeating pattern for you? Able to achieve your goals by short term intensive effort, but unable to sustain the result? Do you feel like somehow your body is just not cooperating with your mind’s goals and intentions?

One of the biggest shifts you can make to achieve your health goals is in your body relationship beliefs. These unconscious beliefs are running the show, causing resistance and undermining your ability to make results stick.

Exposing your unconscious beliefs and establishing a relationship with your body that allows you to deliberately, consciously and harmoniously adopt systems that support your body transformation is a game changer.

This is one element of HoloBody’s mind-body approach.

Contact me if you want to make lasting change.

Need a transformation? 

Not achieving the results you want? Not living up to your potential? Tired of setting goals but not being able to see them through to completion? Would it help you to show up centred, grounded, authentic and powerful in any situation?  Check out my Client Praise page or Contact me.
Remember: the best is yet to come – you are capable of so much more!!

An extraordinary life can only be lived in an extraordinary body

You’re often told that lifelong health and fitness is about exercising, eating wholesome food and making the right lifestyle choices. This translates to dieting and working out at the gym, and it forces you onto a hamster wheel of temporary gains and unsustainable lifestyle changes.

The beauty of HoloBody’s mind-body approach is that it creates powerful change not just in your physical functions but in your subconscious mechanisms – including your emotions and even your self-identity. The result is that the health and fitness upgrades you make don’t just stick with you for a season: they become a permanent part of who you are. An indispensable ally on your path of personal growth and transformation.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, you need the kind of change that becomes a natural part of your lifestyle. Change that is easily sustained over the long term, producing the highest expression of vitality your body can have.

Contact me if you are ready to get off the hamster wheel and make lasting change.

Can you afford to ignore fitness?

Strength – Vitality – Flexibility – Optimal nutrition – Biological age

These aren’t just vanity metrics to see how well you’re doing at the gym, they’re necessary assets for realising your fullest human potential.

Whether you’re looking to be the best in your career, start or grow a business, master new skills, or age well as you approach your retirement years – you need a body that can go the distance with you.

HoloBody (short for Holistic Body) coaching gives you a life-changing deep dive into today’s most effective science-based practices for health and fitness. HoloBody uses an integrated mind-body approach to create powerful change that lasts.

Contact me for more information on HoloBody.

The natural rhythm for weight loss

To lose weight you need sleep.  Sounds simple, but it is actually quite complicated. 

Sleep has a natural rhythm in harmony with the light and dark patterns of each day.

We have an inbuilt circadian clock that is set by sunrise and sunset.  The sunset gives a signal for our body to wind down, start to feel sleepy and gracefully transition into sleep.

This natural rhythm has unfortunately been disrupted by the invention of the light bulb which artificially extends the hours of light long past sunset.

Add to that our use of digital devices – television screens, computers, mobiles, ipads etc – which, when used after dark, suppress the release of melatonin – the hormone that makes us feel sleepy.

There is more.  Getting carried away with video games, feeling the urge to get on top of our emails or binge watching Netflix also has the effect of releasing cortisol to give us a “second wind” so that we can stay awake.  Chronically elevated evening cortisol can bind with the appetite receptors in the brain and trigger you to consume high-calorie foods.  Are you starting to get the idea this is a downward spiral?

Nights filled with this kind of digital stimulation paired with the result of consistently getting insufficient sleep can make you insulin resistant – so you are more likely to store what you eat as fat. (Oh no!)  And you will crave sugar because you are not accessing and burning your internal energy stores in the efficient way your body is designed to operate when everything is optimal. (Even worse!)

The seasons have a rhythm too. During the long bright days of summer we are programmed to eat extra carbs and store them as fat to see us through the winter.  In line with natural light patterns we will sleep much more during the short days and long nights of winter and need less sleep during the long summer days. However, artificially lengthened days have tricked our body into thinking it is summer all the time. So we are perpetually in fat storing mode.

What to do?

  • Turn down the lights – after sunset use candles or lamps in preference to room lights and install blue light blockers on your digital devices. Have blackout curtains in your bedroom.
  • Create an evening ritual to prepare for sleep. Shut off all devices, have a warm bath, change into your pyjamas.
  • Timing is everything. Try to go to bed at the same time each night. Ideally, wake up naturally around sunrise, without the need for an alarm clock.  Getting to bed late and sleeping in does not work, even if you get the same number of hours of sleep. Your cycle is mis-aligned with your natural circadian rhythm and you will not experience enough of the deep restorative sleep your body needs.

So to assist your weight loss efforts, it is important to get into the right sleep rhythm.  I hope this article helps you along on your weight loss journey.

How to maintain weight loss

What happens when you reach your weight loss goal? How do you maintain your ideal weight?

Unfortunately only 20% of people who lose weight keep it off long term (definition: lose at least 10% of body weight and keep it off for a minimum of one year). The majority yo-yo between weight loss and weight gain, and usually gain back more weight than they lost (oops).

To avoid this happening to you, in addition to having a strong reason why you want to lose weight in the first place, you will need to set up a supportive
• food environment,
• lifestyle, and
• social circle.

Starting at the beginning of your weight loss journey, make small incremental changes in these three areas so that by the time you reach your goal you will be set up to maintain your ideal weight (yay!).

Food Environment
Have only healthy foods available – purge processed foods from your home, or store them where you can’t see them and they are not readily accessible. Then place the fresh produce and healthy food choices front and centre. Make healthy food and snacks at home and plan ahead so that you take good food with you to work and when travelling.

Lifestyle and habits
Have a think about your work schedule, family life and activity levels and make incremental changes over time to support your weight loss goals. Try to build exercise into your day naturally, or begin an activity that is fun or includes a social element.

Social Circle
Share your goals with close friends and family and ask for their support. Find others on the same path and encourage each other. Join a community of people (it can be online) who will inspire you and give you great ideas and strategies to help you along.

Plan ahead and set yourself up for long-term success.

Best strategy for weight loss?

There is no one right way.

We are all unique individuals, so what works for one person will not necessarily work for another.

And what works for you at one stage in your life may not be as effective at another stage. Believe me, things change as you get older and weight loss gets harder.

There are lots of strategies for weight loss, some good and some not-so-good. Some are expensive and some relatively cheap.

Which one should you pick?

I am not very directive with my clients. I have some strategies that I’m using. They work for me, so I’m happy with that. But I realise they may not be right for you.

The most important thing is to DO something. So I ask my clients what they are prepared to do, and run with that.

Most of us actually know WHAT to do, but we don’t actually do it.

No strategy will work unless you implement it.

What I find is the key to weight loss for my clients is winning the mental game. This, along with some encouragement and accountability, makes all the difference. Then you will find that whatever strategy you use WORKS!

That’s why it makes so much sense to have a life coach. If this interests you, contact me.

Social Media is not helping you

Too much social media is bad for our mental health. “When we derive a sense of worth based on how we are doing relative to others, we place our happiness in a variable that is completely beyond our control,” says Dr Tim Bono, author of When Likes Aren’t Enough.*

On social media everyone puts up only the best of their photos, using special angles and lighting. It is often photo shopped or filtered, to get the perfect effect. And even though we know that is so, we still compare ourselves with what we see and feel dissatisfied with how we look.

In media and advertising, being thin is associated with wealth, success, popularity and sex appeal.

But you don’t have to look like a magazine model to be healthy and happy.

HEALTHY: I believe that health is our real wealth, and should be our number one focus. If you have any health issues, it would be wise to address them as a priority.

Also, love the body you are in. If you do this, you will lovingly feed it nourishing foods and take whatever other steps are necessary to ensure you feel great physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

HAPPY: Happiness is an inside job. It is a choice, a state of mind, and based on gratitude and self-love.

Happiness will never come from conforming to the media’s ideal body image. If you want to lose weight and it comes from a feeling of lack or not being good enough, you may find that you still feel that way once you’ve lost the weight. Amazing, but true.

So make sure your focus is on being healthy and happy.

What will 2019 bring for you?

I sense that it is a year of breakthrough.

If you have been struggling with an issue for a long time, caught in some kind of cycle that you can’t seem to break out of, 2019 is the year you finally move past it.

How do I know that?

I know that if you are ready for change, everything lines up to bring that change to you. That was my experience in 2018.

It’s amazing how you will read a blog, watch a video, come across an inspirational quote on social media, feel compelled to read a book, meet someone new – all of these things can provide the little pointers, prompts and nudges about the next step you need to take.

So pay attention. Listen to what God (the universe) is telling you.

2019 is the year for your breakthrough.

There is no better time for change than right now.

How much longer do you think it would be good to hang onto that problem, stay stuck in that cycle, struggle with that issue??

If you are ready to move past all that, tune in to the messages that are being delivered to you.

Dare to dream and hope. Listen to the still small voice inside that knows what to do.

Start off down a new path and you will arrive at a new destination before 2019 ends.

Imagine that…..

How to get deep and lasting change

I have always said that winning the mental game is vital for success. You probably already “know” all the right things to do and all the right reasons for doing them. But that knowledge alone does not necessarily produce the desired outcome.

Some people try to use affirmations, conscious thought control and willpower to achieve “mind over matter” and push through to achieve a goal. But that is exhausting and doomed to failure. Willpower is only short term at best and our conscious efforts cannot maintain forward momentum over time.

Perhaps you dream and set goals for a desired future, and then annoyingly find yourself failing to follow through with your good intentions. Attempt after attempt leaves you feeling demoralised, frustrated and eventually hopeless about the possibility of achieving lasting change.

The truth is that 95% of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviour depend on brain activity that is outside of our conscious awareness. Our life is a reflection of the unconscious programs that run in the background, driving self-destructive patterns that are largely based in negativity and fear.

I invite you to consider hypnotherapy, which provides a way to bypass the critical faculty of the conscious brain and access the resources of the unconscious mind, providing the opportunity to reprogram the underlying beliefs, triggers and patterns driving your behaviour.

When your inner resources, focus and commitment are aligned with your higher values, it is like someone has flicked a switch and turned on the light. All the shadows disappear, leaving a brighter, clearer and more colourful world. Action aligns with belief. You can now realise deep and lasting change.

Hypnosis is helpful for losing weight, stopping smoking, enhancing performance, reducing anxiety and many other things.

Connect via the Contact page if you would like to learn more about how hypnosis can help you.