How to maintain weight loss

What happens when you reach your weight loss goal? How do you maintain your ideal weight?

Unfortunately only 20% of people who lose weight keep it off long term (definition: lose at least 10% of body weight and keep it off for a minimum of one year). The majority yo-yo between weight loss and weight gain, and usually gain back more weight than they lost (oops).

To avoid this happening to you, in addition to having a strong reason why you want to lose weight in the first place, you will need to set up a supportive
• food environment,
• lifestyle, and
• social circle.

Starting at the beginning of your weight loss journey, make small incremental changes in these three areas so that by the time you reach your goal you will be set up to maintain your ideal weight (yay!).

Food Environment
Have only healthy foods available – purge processed foods from your home, or store them where you can’t see them and they are not readily accessible. Then place the fresh produce and healthy food choices front and centre. Make healthy food and snacks at home and plan ahead so that you take good food with you to work and when travelling.

Lifestyle and habits
Have a think about your work schedule, family life and activity levels and make incremental changes over time to support your weight loss goals. Try to build exercise into your day naturally, or begin an activity that is fun or includes a social element.

Social Circle
Share your goals with close friends and family and ask for their support. Find others on the same path and encourage each other. Join a community of people (it can be online) who will inspire you and give you great ideas and strategies to help you along.

Plan ahead and set yourself up for long-term success.