Best strategy for weight loss?

There is no one right way.

We are all unique individuals, so what works for one person will not necessarily work for another.

And what works for you at one stage in your life may not be as effective at another stage. Believe me, things change as you get older and weight loss gets harder.

There are lots of strategies for weight loss, some good and some not-so-good. Some are expensive and some relatively cheap.

Which one should you pick?

I am not very directive with my clients. I have some strategies that I’m using. They work for me, so I’m happy with that. But I realise they may not be right for you.

The most important thing is to DO something. So I ask my clients what they are prepared to do, and run with that.

Most of us actually know WHAT to do, but we don’t actually do it.

No strategy will work unless you implement it.

What I find is the key to weight loss for my clients is winning the mental game. This, along with some encouragement and accountability, makes all the difference. Then you will find that whatever strategy you use WORKS!

That’s why it makes so much sense to have a life coach. If this interests you, contact me.