About Suzi?

I am qualified in counselling and family therapy, life coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and a heap of other things that do not prove my worth to you (or to me!).

My Polaris, or north star (guiding star) is “To be the best that I can be, and help others to be their best”.  I love encouraging and inspiring people in their journey and bringing out those gems that are hidden inside.

You can read about my personal journey to wellness here: https://www.coachingwithsuzi.com/my-journey-to-wellness/

IT’S really ABOUT YOU!!

I cringe at the very idea of writing an “about me” section, because the bottom line is, it’s not about me – it’s really all about YOU.

I am totally, 100% sold out on doing my very best to help YOU achieve what YOU want in life.  Whatever it is that you want.

Seeing your success – that’s what lights me up!  That’s why I show up.

We all have our struggles.  I know.  I’ve had mine too. Deaths, divorce, health issues, challenges with kids.  How to find your life’s purpose and live it. How to age well.

Life throws some curve balls. I’ve had my share of those, and I know you have too.

Although I don’t know you at all, there is one thing of which I am certain:


Deep inside yourself, you know that this is true.  Whether you are at the beginning of your journey, or whether you have experienced a lot of success in life, this is still true.  You have NOT achieved all that is possible for you. There is always more. The best is yet to come.

What matters is, I can help you get results.


* Women have multiple limiting beliefs of which we are totally unaware. These unconscious beliefs shape our reality.
* Women struggle with disempowerment and don’t understand the dynamics at play which are holding them back.
* Women juggle multiple balls and do not find adequate time for self care.
* Women have deep yearings that bump up against their established (unconscious) self concept and leave them wondering why they are spinning their wheels.
* Women try to set goals and get into action without addressing the limiting beliefs and unconscious self concept first, and wonder why they keep failing.

Can you relate to any of this?

Women are very relationship oriented and don’t do well when they try to struggle on alone!!

No matter what it is that you are facing, let me get beside you, and see what we can achieve together.  You don’t have to walk the path alone.  Let’s team up.

Check out my specialisation page: https://www.coachingwithsuzi.com/specialisation/

Book a time for a conversation about your deep desires and yearnings and see what is possible.

One thought on “About Suzi?

  1. I really like the positive vibe that comes across through all these pages. I get a sense of joy about you from your words and a genuine desire to help people reach their full potential.

    I wish you every success with your coaching. Your genuine, caring nature shines through.

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