If you are unhappy with your body, because you don’t like the way it feels, or you want to do something and your weight is getting in the way, or you have health problems associated with your weight, or you would like to experience more energy and vitality in life, then I am here to support you with that.
If you are perfectly happy with your body and enjoying life, no matter what your size is, then I say “more power to you”. I am here to support you with that as well.
For a great example of someone who is overweight and happy in her own skin, I suggest you Google Tess Munster. She is a model who is 5’ 5” and a size 22 – in her photos you can see that she loves herself, and she is beautiful.
We don’t all have to look the same. Advertising has sold us a picture of the ideal woman who “has it all”, is sexy, confident and desirable – and it is a lie. Advertising is all about creating desire to make you want to buy. It is not about helping you to find happiness.
As a result, sometimes we SHOULD on ourselves. We think we have to conform to society’s expectations, or the promoted image of what an ideal feminine shape is. We feel like we SHOULD lose weight.
I say: rubbish! Don’t SHOULD on yourself. Happily be yourself. You can be loved and accepted by others, and also – very important – loved and accepted by yourself, just as you are right now. Without changing anything.
Louise Hay says in her book “You can heal your life” that most problems boil down to one underlying issue – lack of self-love. And there is no place where this surfaces quite as strongly as in the issues around our body shape.
Women are famous for this. Every woman has something that she does not like about her body. There is some flaw that she sees and thinks is huge (other people don’t notice it). She spends a lot of time trying to camouflage this real or imagined flaw. We are our own worst critics.
So if you think you SHOULD lose weight, have another think about it. Who says you SHOULD? Is that what you really want? What will your life be like when you have your new ideal body?
This is worth really thinking about. Because if you have been struggling to lose weight, is it because deep down inside you don’t really want to? Do you just think you SHOULD?
Is it possible to experience your ideal life in the body you have right now?
I don’t know, I’m just asking the questions! I will support you in your journey, but you have to know, deep inside, what you really want.
Exploring your values and beliefs is really important, because you must be congruent with your goal at the deepest level.
You decide what you want, what you value, what will make you happy. You are unique and you have your own path to walk.
And don’t forget – YOU ROCK!
Thank you for all the encouragement you offer in your report. My last diet ended in 1981 when I gained 5 pounds within two days of starting that diet. I was so angry, I quit the diet and made a vow to eat better each day. My vow worked and I eventually lost the weight.
When I quit smoking, I gained 10 pounds. I did not worry about it as the doctor said the excess weight was less harmful than smoking. After 10 years, I have decided to take the weight off, but then promptly put it back on.
After reading your report, I can see that whether I struggle with 50 pounds or 10 pounds, I need some support. I think the last 10 pounds has always been the hardest for me. I am ready to say goodbye to them. Let’s talk.
I am glad you found the report encouraging Christine. Sounds like you are ready for action! Let’s talk indeed. I will send you an email and arrange a chat. SUZI 🙂